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Title: Delving into the modeling and operation of energy communities as epicenters for systemic transformations
Authors: Cristóbal, Ana B.
Sanz-Cuadrado, Cristina
Zhang, Zhe
Victoria, Marta
Fialho, Luis
Cavaco, Afonso
Bokalič, Matevž
Narvarte, Luis
Keywords: Energia
Comunidades de Energia Renovável
Issue Date: Nov-2023
Publisher: Universal Access in the Information Society
Citation: Cristóbal, A.B., Sanz-Cuadrado, C., Zhang, Z. et al. Delving into the modeling and operation of energy communities as epicenters for systemic transformations. Univ Access Inf Soc (2023).
Abstract: With the emergence of energy communities, this paper explores their operationalization as a tool with which to create large and stable citizen science and education hubs focused on energy, where citizens can have the chance of exploring a first-hand approach to the energy transition. We present the rationale behind an energy community, whose purpose is to generate systemic and transformative changes in local environments. The concept of an energy community is used to reflect the legally recognized union of citizens, which is much stronger than any associative mechanism yet without such a structure. While the latter’s actions and interests align with those of energy communities, its operation mode differs in terms of the priority assigned to each of them. The developed model has been submitted for feedback to three European university communities. The feedback received has highlighted the acceptability of the model and encouraged us to move forward with its implementation. Approximately 90% of the participants in the study would partake in this type of energy community in very diverse ways, which shows the capacity of the model for inclusiveness and universal access to energy experiences. The barriers and drivers expressed by the participants of the study were analyzed to identify the aspects that foster or prevent citizens’ participation. This approach will allow us to define a more responsible action plan when turning these models into reality.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CI-ER - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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