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Title: Stand Structure and Biomass
Authors: Gonçalves, Ana Cristina
Editors: Gonçalves, Ana Cristina
Malico, Isabel
Keywords: Structure
Removal impacts
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Gonçalves, A. C.; 2024. Stand Structure and Biomass. In: Forest Bioenergy: From Wood Production to Energy Use. Ana Cristina Gonçalves and Isabel Malico (eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland. (chapter 3). 53-90 pp. DOI:
Abstract: Trees and stands store large amounts of biomass, but this storage is dynamic in time and space. It depends on the species, stand structure, silvicultural systems, and silvicultural practices. Furthermore, interactions between the trees in the stands and forests and disturbances result in biomass variability. The forest systems biomass estimation sometimes does take into account this variability. Additionally, all harvests remove biomass to a smaller or larger extent from the forest systems. Their sustainability is dependent on the amount and biomass components removed. The biomass exports are related to the management goals and the harvest type. Overall, stem biomass exports have smaller impacts than whole tree harvest on the sustainability and resilience of forest systems. However, forest residues removal can be done to maintain the forest system sustainability as long as biomass components richer in nutrients are maintained, at least partially, in the forest systems.
ISBN: 978-3-031-48223-6
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:MED - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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