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Title: The intensification of olive oil agricultural production and associated socio-spatial relations: Implications for sustainability in Alentejo (Portugal)
Authors: Muñoz-Rojas, José
Keywords: olive oil
sustainable intensification
Issue Date: 26-Oct-2022
Publisher: Universidade de Évora
Citation: Muñoz-Rojas, J. The intensification of olive oil agricultural production and associated socio-spatial relations: Implications for sustainability in Alentejo (Portugal), in XIIIrd International seminar of the FONCIMED network 26-28 October 2022, Evora, Portugal Agricultural uses of water and intensification of production systems: what impacts on land resources?
Abstract: Contextualization of the problem and main objectives of the communication New actor networks of agricultural production are emerging in Alentejo, linked to irrigation infrastructures and agricultural intensification. Following the insights by Silveira et al (2018), we discuss how such actor networks are rapidly becoming dominant in the olive sector, contributing to dismantle previous linkages between local communities, the economy and regional ecologies, in a process of de-territorialization (Kato et al, 2022). These networks and their rescaling are effectively removing meaning and belonging of farmers and local populations to their territories, places and landscapes. The lens of socio-spatial theory can inform political agro-ecology (Jessop et al, 2008). Advancing political agro-ecology in this way will also help assess implications of new models of agricultural production for a range of issues, including sustainability standards that are threatened in the face of climate change, increased global food demand and migrations (González de Molina et al, 2020). In this light, we explored three types of businesses, analyzed the actor networks that support them, their preferred socio-spatial strategies and practices, and some of the institutional factors that help explain their relationship with land and water. • Actor A – corporations exploring intensive and super-intensive olive groves for export are increasingly dominant in the new model of olive production associated with a de-territorialized Alentejo; • Actor B – other companies relying on extensive/traditional olive groves to produce high quality olive oil for export, actively publicizing the unique links between the product, the community and regional ecologies; • Actor C – small family-run businesses relying on extensive/traditional olive groves to supply local markets or larger exporting companies. Key questions arising include: - How do these set of actors relate to their communities, to economic actors and to local and regional ecologies? - How is attention to both land and water by farmers impacted by these changes in production models?. - What institutional factors matter them most when making their choices? - What are the potential impacts of these models over the sustainability of olive oil production? Methodology and sources used To respond to these research questions, we performed the following tasks in the context of the PRIMA project SUSTAINOLIVE ( - A survey with circa 150 olive farmers in the region - A SWOT analysis of the sector, validated with experts from various areas of activity - A social-ecological characterization, and metric-based sustainability assessment of 25 selected olive groves, representing a range including super-intensive to extensive and conventional to ecological ones Conclusion Results indicate to a complexity that challenges the widely spread classic idea (Garnett et al, 2013) that intensification of agriculture hampers sustainability standards. In addition, other common assumptions regarding shifting socio-spatial relationships (Jessop et al, 2008) are confirmed, with the de-territorialization process gaining strength where availability of water for irrigation is in place. Further attention to these complex issues must be placed at the core of further actions to pursue enhanced sustainability standards in the sector and region.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:MED - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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