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Title: "Heritales: the film festival that brings Heritage to the urban environment"
Authors: Schiavottiello, Nicola
Zozaya-Montes, Maria
Keywords: Cinema
Urban Creativity
Industrias culturales
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Urban Creativity Scientific Journal
Citation: Nicola Schiavottiello, Maria Zozaya-Montes, "Heritales: the film festival that brings Heritage to the urban environment", Urban Creativity Scientific Journal, ISSN 2183-3869 (2017), pp. 89-93.
Abstract: «The International Heritage Film Festival “Heritales” took place in the city of Évora, during the 30th anniversary of its declaration of World Heritage site by UNESCO. It was developed especially for this symbolic event, during the months of its commemoration: between September and October 2016. The festival was born with the purpose of disseminating narratives of filmic, digital and graphic nature that deal with Cultural Heritage. Its objectives were to project cinema in public spaces, as well as within the cultural facilities of the city such as churches and cultural associations. This aspect, framed in a community outreach strategy, have brought a stage of exchange and sharing between the academia, the local community and the international visitors to the city of Evora. The program had different forms of action: screening sessions with subsequent debates with the presence of the directors, parallel activities such as workshops, conferences, and other type of narrative forms through exhibitions and historical table games.»
ISSN: 2183-3869
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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