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Title: Non-homogeneous Chain of Harmonic Oscillators
Authors: Bandeira, Luís
Correia Ramos, Carlos
Editors: Wang, Dongming
Zheng, Zhiming
Keywords: dynamical system
harmonic oscillators
non-homogeneous chains
Issue Date: 18-Mar-2022
Publisher: Mathematics in Computer Science
Citation: Bandeira, L., Ramos, C.C. Non-homogeneous Chain of Harmonic Oscillators. Math.Comput.Sci. 16, 3 (2022)
Abstract: We study vibrational properties of non-homogeneous materials. These are idealized materials composed by one dimensional chains of harmonic oscillators represented by an alternating sequence of particles and springs. Although the system is linear, thus possesses exact explicit solutions, the formulas for the solutions can be complicated. Homogeneous chains are used as basic building blocks for the characterization of the system global dynamics. In particular, we determine the solutions for a system composed of two distinct homogeneous chains in terms of the original solutions for these two homogeneous chains, when uncoupled. We explore different kinds of possible couplings, each with a distinct physical meaning.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CIMA - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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