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Title: Self-Perceived Health Status
Authors: Zangão, Maria Otília
Editors: Fonseca, C
Lopes, MJ
Mendes, F
Garcia-Alonso, J
Keywords: Estado de Saúde
qualidade de vida
Issue Date: Jan-2020
Publisher: IGI Global
Citation: Zangão, MO (2020). Self-Perceived Health Status in Fonseca, C; Lopes, MJ; Mendes, F; & Garcia-Alonso, J. Handbook of Research on Health Systems and Organizations for an Aging Society,IGI Global, pp 1-11. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9818-3.ch001. Disponivel em:
Abstract: Perceived health status is central to adequate health planning, not only because it plays a key role in health but also because it is related to the adoption of a health-promoting lifestyle. The objectives of the present study were to assess the self-perceived health status of the studied population and to correlate self-perceived health status with socioeconomic and demographic variables. This was a quantitative descriptive-correlational study. Data were collected by means of a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Portuguese version of the Medical Outcome Study Short-Form Health Survey (MOS SF-36). The assessed population was composed of the teaching and nonteaching staff of the studied school. IBM® SPSS® statistical software, version 20, was used. The sociodemographic indicators had a significant influence on the respondents’ self-perceived health status. The age group of 36-40 years was associated with a significantly higher self-perceived health status than the other analyzed variables.
ISBN: 9781522598183
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:CHRC - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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