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Title: Linguistic minorities in Portugal: the Barranquenho
Authors: Banza, Ana Paula
Editors: Videsott, Paul
Pan, Christoph
Keywords: Portugal
Linguistic Minorities
Linguistic variation
Linguistic policies
Issue Date: Dec-2020
Publisher: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Citation: BANZA, Ana Paula (2020), Linguistic minorities in Portugal: the Barranquenho, European Journal of Minority Studies EJM BWV – Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Volume 13, December 2020, Issue 3-4, pp 123-134. DOI 10.35998/ejm-2020-0008 ISSN 1865-1089 (Print), ISSN 1865-1097 (Online).
Abstract: Barrancos is a small Alentejo village located in the south of Portugal, on the border with Spain, currently with less than 2000 inhabitants. As a result of particular geographical and historical circumstances, the Barranquenho, spoken by the whole community of Barrancos, is currently recognized by many experts as a mixed language, resulting from the contact between southern Portuguese and southern Castilian. This originality distinguishes it from all the varieties of Portuguese and also from Mirandese, a variety of Asturo-Leonese spoken in Portuguese territory which has already been recognized since 1999 as an official regional language. Thus, the present paper means to present a general, but up-to-date, view of the most important characteristics and struggles of the Barranquenho minority, in relation to the Mirandese, and of the policies regarding these linguistic minorities in Portugal, as a safeguard guarantee of this intangible heritage.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:LLT - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica
CIDEHUS - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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