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Title: Structured Proposal for Rehabilitation Nursing (RN) care intervention: Sensitive gains to RN care for the person with self-care deficit and in the surgical process
Authors: Nascimento, Vânia
Lopes, Manuel
Fonseca, César
Issue Date: 18-Jun-2019
Citation: Structured Proposal for Rehabilitation Nursing (RN) care intervention: Sensitive gains to RN care for the person with self-care deficit and in the surgical process. César Fonseca, Vânia Nascimento, Rogério Ferrinho, Manuel Lopes and Enrique Moguel. Workshop IWoG'19, Second International Workshop on Gerontechnology. 15-16 Jul, Évora.Portugal, 18-19 Jul, Cáceres, Espanha.
Abstract: Workshop IWoG'19, Second International Workshop on Gerontechnology. 15-16 Jul, Évora.Portugal, 18-19 Jul, Cáceres, Espanha.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:ENF - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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