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Title: Fanfiction - Novas formas de produção e consumo literário
Authors: Cabral, Diana Maria Capela
Advisors: Castro, Carla Ferreira de
Keywords: Fanfiction
Issue Date: 8-Jan-2020
Publisher: Universidade de Évora
Abstract: A fanfiction é uma forma de produção textual paralela que se encontra largamente inexplorada na Academia Portuguesa. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a fanfiction e as suas conexões ao campo Académico da Literatura através dos pontos comuns do Leitor, do Escritor e do Autor, legitimando a sua produção, presença e hábitos de leitura; Abstract: Fanfiction: New Formulas of Literary Production and Consumption- Fanfiction is a parallel textual production that has remained largely unexplored within the Portuguese Academia. The goal of this essay is to present the fanfiction and its connections to the Academic field of Literature through their communalities such as the Reader, the Writer and the Author, legitimizing its production, presence and reading habits.
Type: doctoralThesis
Appears in Collections:BIB - Formação Avançada - Teses de Doutoramento

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