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Title: Analysis of scientific production on Zika virus and pregnancy
Authors: Moura, Luana Kelle Batista
Cordeiro, Sarah Maria Melo
Landim Almeida, Camila Aparecida Pinheiro
Pinto Marques, Maria do Céu Mendes
Araújo, Telma Maria Evangelista de
Moura, Maria Eliete Batista
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Moura, Luana Kelle Batista; Cordeiro, Sarah Maria Melo; Landim Almeida, Camila Aparecida Pinheiro; Pinto Marques, Maria do Céu Mendes; Araújo, Telma Maria Evangelista de; Moura, Maria Eliete Batista. Analysis of scientific production on Zika virus and pregnancy, Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste, 19, 1, e33794-e33794, 2018.
Abstract: Objective: to analyze the international scientific production on Zika virus and pregnancy. Methods: a bibliometric survey was carried out in the ISI Web of Knowledge/Web of Science database, using the search terms “Pregnancy”, “ZikV” and “Bibliometrics”, from the export of this data to the HistCite ™ bibliometric analysis software. Results: 355 publication records were identified and the 11 most cited articles were selected in the Web of Science (global) and those most cited in the selected articles (local) in 207 different journals indexed to the database in question, written by 2,435 authors who had links with 799 institutions, located in 59 countries. Conclusion: obscure aspects remain about the natural history of Zika virus in pregnant women, clinical profile, epidemiology, and lack clarity about the existence of cofactors associated with infection by Zika virus. Descriptors: Pregnancy; Zika Virus; Bibliometrics.
Other Identifiers: 21756783
Type: article
Appears in Collections:ENF - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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