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Title: Knockin' on Digital Doors. Dealing with online [dis]credit in an era of digital scientific inquiry
Authors: Costa, Rosalina
Editors: Folk, Moe
Apostel, Shawn
Keywords: Digital ethos
Online recruitment
Eliciting techniques
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: IGI Global
Citation: Costa, Rosalina (2017). "Knockin' on Digital Doors. Dealing with online [dis]credit in an era of digital scientific inquiry". In Establishing and Evaluating Digital Ethos and Online Credibility, Ed. by Moe Folk & Shawn Apostel. Hershey: IGI Global: 46-65. doi: (ISBN13: 9781522510727; ISBN10: 1522510729; EISBN13: 9781522510734)
Abstract: This chapter aims at presenting and discussing credible online recruitment eliciting techniques targeting scientific purposes adjusted to the digital age. Based on several illustrations conducted by the author within the framework of both quantitative and qualitative inquiries, this chapter critically explores the digital ethos in three main challenges faced when dealing with online recruitment for scientific purposes: entering the normality of the everyday life, entering the idiosyncrasy of multicultural lives, and entering the chaos of busy lives. By the end, a toolbox for establishing and evaluating (dis)credibility within online recruitment strategies is presented. Moreover, it is argued that success of data collection at the present time in online environments seems to rely as ever on internal factors of the communication process vis-à-vis e-mail content, design and related strategies.
ISBN: 13: 9781522510727; 10: 1522510729; EISBN13: 9781522510734
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:SOC - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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