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Title: Integrating Life-Design Counseling and Psychotherapy: Possibilities and Practices
Authors: Cardoso, Paulo
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Cardoso, Paulo. Integrating Life-Design Counseling and Psychotherapy: Possibilities and Practices, The Career Development Quarterly, 64, 1, 49-63, 2016.
Abstract: The relationship between career counseling and psychotherapy is not a new subject. The debate allows the affirmation of career counseling as a dimension of personal counseling and recognizes the close relationship between psychosocial and career issues (Blustein & Spengler, 1995). The connection between these two approaches paves the way for the integration of career counseling with psychotherapy. Indeed, the inseparability of mental health and career issues frequently leads psychotherapists to help their clients to deal with work satisfaction, underemployment or unemployment through psychotherapy. Moreover, when working with specific populations (e.g., people with intellectual disabilities and people with addiction or mental health problems), psychotherapy calls for occupational integration to consolidate and enhance therapeutic gains (Blustein, 1987; Jordan & Kahnweiler, 1995; Leff & Warner, 2006).
Other Identifiers: 08894019
Type: bachelorThesis
Appears in Collections:CIEP - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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