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Title: Sleeping in a factory: The Bernardine Convent Residence in Tavira (Portugal).
Authors: Palomares Alarcón, Sheila
Editors: Belli, G.
Capano, F.
Pascariello, M.I.
Keywords: Convent
Industrial Heritage
Tavira (Portugal)
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Palomares Alarcón, Sheila. Sleeping in a factory: The Bernardine Convent Residence in Tavira (Portugal). En Belli,G., Capano, F., Pascariello, M.I. (eds.), Libro de Actas del VIII CONGRESSO AISU. La città, il viaggio, il turismo. Percezione, produzione e trasformazione. Nápoles (Italia) Del 7 al 9 Septiembre 2017. Nápoles, 2017. pp. 1461-1465. ISBN 978-88-99930-02-8
Abstract: Between 1820 and 1823, during the period known as the Trienio Liberal or Liberal Triennium, a legal process began in Portugal that was known as the “Confiscation,” which consisted of selling off part of the assets that belonged to the clergy, transforming them into national property. This process took place in different stages (1824-1834; 1834-1861) and included the property of the secular clergy during the nineteenth century, when uncultivated municipal and publicly owned lands were also put on sale from 1869 onwards.
ISBN: 978-88-99930-02-8
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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