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Browsing by Author Semedo, Carla

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Showing results 23 to 30 of 30
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2017The Psychology of Employee Recruitment, Selection and RetentionSemedo, Carla; Goldstein, Harold; Pulakos, Elaine; Passmore, Jonathan
May-2017The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee RetentionSemedo, Carla
28-Jul-2022Toxic Leadership and Empowering Leadership: Relations with Work MotivationSemedo, Carla; Salvador, Ana; Dos Santos, Nuno; Pais, Leonor; Mónico, Lisete
28-Jul-2022Toxic Leadership and Empowering Leadership: Relations with Work MotivationSemedo, Carla; Salvador, Ana; Dos Santos, Nuno; Pais, Leonor; Mónico, Lisete
2012Trabalho e família: aliados? Recursos laborais e recursos familiares como preditores do spillover positivo trabalho-famíliaReia, Susana da Conceição Margarido
11-Nov-2021Variáveis individuais e contextuais enquanto preditores da ansiedade no exame de ressonância magnéticaFarinha, Ana Margarida Nóbrega
2023What do Portuguese Cardiologists think and feel about their work?Semedo, Carla; Diniz, António; Aguiar, José; Almeida, Susana; Timóteo, Ana; Gil, Vitor
2014Workaholism, work engagement e Burnout: distinção empírica e sua relação com os recursos e as exigências laboraisPimenta, Ana Cláudia Araújo
Showing results 23 to 30 of 30


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