Browsing by Author Bezzeghoud, Mourad
Showing results 89 to 108 of 129
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Dec-2013 | Seismic and structural geology constraints to the selection of CO2 storage sites - the case of the onshore Lusitanian basin, Portugal | Pereira, Nadine; Carneiro, Júlio; Araújo, Alexandre; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Borges, José |
Mar-2014 | Seismic and structural geology constraints to the selection of CO2 storage sites—The case of the onshore Lusitanian basin, Portugal | Pereira, Nadine; Carneiro, Júlio; Araújo, Alexandre; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Borges, José |
Apr-2013 | Seismic ground motion scenarios in Lower Tagus Valley Basin | Borges, J. F.; Torres, Ricardo; Furtado, Augusto; Silva, Hugo; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Caldeira, Bento; Pinto, Carlos |
2014 | Seismicity along the Azores-Gibraltar region and global plate kinematics | Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Adam, Claudia; Buforn, Elisa; Borges, José F.; Caldeira, Bento |
26-Feb-2019 | Seismicity and seismic hazard assessment in the Azores | Figueiredo, João Guilherme Fontiela |
9-Aug-2022 | Seismicity and Seismotectonics of the Mitidja Basin Southern Edge (Tell Atlas, Algeria): Case Study of the Hammam Melouane Region | Abbes, Khadidja; Ayadi, Abdelhakim; Ousadou, Farida; Bouhadad, Youcef; Kariche, Jugurta; Benkaci, N.; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Bouziane, D.; Slimani, A. |
27-Sep-2022 | Seismic Sensor Network for High Density Deployments: Concept, Design, Deployment and Results | Manso, Marco; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Borges, José; Caldeira, Bento |
21-Oct-2003 | Seismic source in the Iberian-African plate boundary | Buforn, Elisa; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Udias, Agustin; Pro, Carmen |
Feb-2007 | Seismic Tomography of the Algarve Crust: Previous studies, Campaign and first data | Caldeira, Bento; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Borges, José F.; Matias, L.; Rocha, João P.; Madureira, G.; Araújo, A.; Corela, C.; Carrilho, F. |
28-Jan-2011 | Seismo-electromagnetic phenomena in the western part of the Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary | Silva, Hugo Gonaçlves; Bezzeghoud, Mourad |
2013 | Seismogenic zones and attenuation laws for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in low deformation area | Le Goff, Boris |
Feb-2007 | Simulation of Ground Motion in SW Ibéria and the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake, | Borges, José F.; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Caldeira, Bento; Grandin, R.; Carrilho, F. |
2007 | Simulations of strong ground motion in SW Iberia for the 1969 February 28 (Ms = 8.0) and the 1755 November 1 (M~ 8.5) earthquakes - II. Strong ground motion simulations | Grandin, Raphaël; Borges, José Fernando; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Caldeira, Bento; Carrilho, Fernando |
2007 | Simulations of strong ground motion in SW Iberia for the 1969 February 28 (Ms= 8.0) and the 1755 November 1 (M~ 8.5) earthquakes - I. Velocity model | Grandin, Raphaël; Borges, José Fernando; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Caldeira, Bento; Carrilho, Fernando |
20-Oct-2017 | Síntese de ácidos e ésteres fosfónicos e avaliação do seu potencial antioxidante, anti-inflamatório e antibacteriano | Muralhas, Luís; Martins, M. Rosário; Teixeira, António P. S.; Teixeira, Fátima C. |
2018 | A Sismicidade de Portugal | Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Caldeira, Bento; Borges, José F. |
2018 | O Sismo de Arraiolos de 15 de Janeiro de 2018 (M=4.9) – Rede sismográfica temporária e resultados preliminares | Borges, José; Caldeira, Bento; Fontiela, João; Washilala, Piedade; Oliveira, Rui Jorge; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Araújo, António; Vales, Dina; Carrilho, Fernando |
2010 | Slip distribution, coseismic deformation and Coulomb stress change for the 12 May 2008Wenchuan (China, Mw7.9) earthquake | Zadonina, E; Caldeira, B; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Borges, JF |
2011 | Strong Ground Motion Simulations and Assessment of Influence of Model Parameters on the Waveforms | Zadonina, E.; Caldeira, Bento; Bezzeghoud, Mourad; Borges, José |
Showing results 89 to 108 of 129